Once upon a time, nestled in a corner of the bustling city, there existed a magnificent amusement park named Marylane, which was operated by Marymaker the Clown. He was perceived by the public as both terrifying and captivating, and there were rumors that he possessed the ability to attract both light and darkness simultaneously, as if he were a master of duality. During the park’s prime, one could hear the excited cheers of visitors from afar and the sound of carousels roaring under the summer sun. However, as the years went by, fewer and fewer people found the time to visit the amusement park, leaving Marymaker with a deep sense of abandonment.
The very thing that he had once been so passionate about now seemed to wither away and rely solely on artificial respiration. Filled with desperation, Marymaker embarked on a journey to find himself, only to encounter chaos and despair at every turn. One evening, while lost in his own thoughts, Marymaker overheard a group of people gathering on the Tivoli stage to compose music. There was one particular melody that caught his attention, as it exuded both sadness and hope. Intrigued, he felt compelled to venture out and discover the source of this captivating music. Could it be that the songs were about him?